Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Purple Hearts closing in on Alva

Due to the exceptionally favorable Southern winds, I feel a tad sorry for the Alva welcoming committee since the first two aircraft (both fast Mooneys) flew by to continue on to the next stop before refueling.

Competitive racing requires that you take advantage of the winds when you can because if you don't your competitors will and who knows what direction the wind will be favoring tomorrow. The goal is to get your aircraft at the highest average miles per hour against your own handicap value previously established before the race. This makes it possible for all types and styles of aircraft to race in the same airspace since essentially they are racing against their OWN best time.

In any case, the satellite transponder still has the 'Hearts' in Texas but as evidenced by the
FlightAware snap, the plane is closing in on Alva. Since the team is racing as an exhibition
ship, the team is not as concerned with perfecting their average speed over the race. This is
wonderful for the spectators and local airport since The 'Purple Hearts' are sure to stop in Alva to say 'Hello' even if the winds beckon to continue flying.

As of 10:17H 

As of 10:07H - Purple Hearts


  1. Exhibition ship?? Splain please....

    1. Cary - Last year's race was scrubbed for metal in engine. Team 'Re-manned' engine and replaced crank case. Motor rings and pistons are slightly enlarged during this process creating a marginal increase in horsepower. That is NOT a problem in normal flight, but for the air race, they demand that all planes can fly straight and level in ordinary configuration without red-lining the motor. Currently the Purple Archer, which you have flown, exceeds red-line at straight and level unless we add a throttle governor to the plane so it can handicap per the rules. Due to time constraints and a fix which would have to be removed by a certified mechanic at the end of the race - the team just decided to run the race 'non-competitively' so they are not eligible for prize money. From your personal experience in the ARC, you can attest to the value of the racing experience over just racing for cash. Primarily the Air Race Classic is a labor of love, so the ladies are racing this year with that as their guiding principle. - W. Camp
